
When I first hear the word "propaganda" it instantly takes me back to my middle school history class. Propaganda has been used since the 19th century. The term "propaganda" is when information is used to promote or influence an audience to further an agenda. Propaganda is primarily used in advertisements and with political parties. This was especially popular during wartimes. A popular piece of propaganda was Rosie the Riveter during the World War 2 era. Rosie the Riveter was an iconic symbol for women who worked in the factories while the men were fighting the war. 

Bad propaganda spews negativity and creates ill-will towards others. For example, the Nazis used propaganda to promote their negative thoughts and views on the Jews. The United States used propaganda during the War in Iraq. The U.S dropped radio broadcasts and leaflets all over Iraq placing blame on Saddam for the torturing and suffering of the people of Iraq. Propaganda affects society in a negative way. With the internet being a "new" tool since propaganda was wildly popular, propaganda provides instantaneous participation of political debates. Many people like to express their political views on Facebook where there is TONS of propaganda advertisements on political parties. Every time I open Facebook I see so many ads for voting and posts about how people feel on each side of the parties trying to influence my own beliefs. Propaganda has a lot of negative aspects to it but it also has some positive benefits. Governments and organizations can use propaganda to promote positive messages, lifestyles, and information that they feel the public may benefit from. I think propaganda is both beneficial and hurtful to our society. There is no black and white answer to say "yes this is great" or "no this is the worst thing ever". Propaganda is beneficial because it keeps our society updated with what is happening in the world. It is also negative because some use propaganda for their own personal agenda.


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