Covid 19 & Social Media

People are going crazy during the quarantine just sitting in their house looking at the same walls every day. The use of social media has increased dramatically since the start of the COVID-19 virus outbreak. Many people have been using different social media platforms to express how they feel about the virus, how the country or their state is handling it, how they feel about the President during this time and to talk about how bored they are. The downside to social media during the outbreak is that false information gets spread extremely quickly and a lot of people believe everything they read on the internet or what their friends post. We get information right at our fingertips in a matter of seconds which is nice to always know what's happening. However, people are more likely to panic when they are seeing people buy out the stores and post how scared they are. When the outbreak first happened, people were buying out all of the toilet paper and hand sanitizer in the stores which caused everyone to freak out. It looked like the apocalypse when I walked into the supermarket with my mom. Shelves were empty and everyone was running around buying up everything like the world was about to end


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