Final Exam Post

My parents always talk about how when they were kids they didn't have half the things kids today have now. There was no Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, or even cell phones for that matter. No one was tracking their children on Life360 or Find My Friends. There was no taking pictures on your iPhone and immediately uploading it to social media. Technology and the internet have advanced drastically in the last 15 years or so. I think I have a balance between an unhealthy and healthy relationship with technology. The unhealthy relationship I have is that the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to check my social media accounts. I go on Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook all in that order. If I wake up at 10am, I probably won't get out of my bed until 11:30 because I spend so much time scrolling through social media all morning. Even though I spend a lot of time on my phone in the morning, when I'm out with friends or doing something productive I'm not glued to my phone which is why I think I have a balance between an unhealthy and healthy relationship. Business Insider talks about the ways technology have impacted society for the worst. Technology can be damaging to our health. It affects our posture because typically everyone is slouching to look at their phone or their computer at their desk. Technology also can screw up people's eyesight and I can attest to that because I had great eyesight until after I got my first MacBook in 6th grade I used to sit the computer right on my chest in front of my face and stare for hours which my eye doctor told me is the reason I started wearing glasses when I was 14. According to Business Insider, technology is extremely detrimental to our mental health, "young adults who use seven to 11 social media platforms had more than three times the risk of depression and anxiety than those who use two or fewer platforms". Accessive amount of technology affects our people and communication skills which can affect relationships. People who use text messages as a way to communicate can lead to messages getting misinterpreted or misunderstood which could cause arguments in the relationship. Young people rely on technology and social media to communicate and when they are face to face with someone, sometimes it's difficult for them to communicate with another person who isn't behind a screen. I think social media is both a blessing and a curse and honestly, I think it will always be. Social media is never going to disappear and there will always be downsides to it but it depends on how you let social media affect YOU. 


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