
Final Exam Post

My parents always talk about how when they were kids they didn't have half the things kids today have now. There was no Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, or even cell phones for that matter. No one was tracking their children on Life360 or Find My Friends. There was no taking pictures on your iPhone and immediately uploading it to social media. Technology and the internet have advanced drastically in the last 15 years or so. I think I have a balance between an unhealthy and healthy relationship with technology. The unhealthy relationship I have is that the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to check my social media accounts. I go on Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook all in that order. If I wake up at 10am, I probably won't get out of my bed until 11:30 because I spend so much time scrolling through social media all morning. Even though I spend a lot of time on my phone in the morning, when I'm out with friends or doing something productive I'm not gl

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been the talk of the quarantine. The purpose behind Animal Crossing is you just chill out and build a cute little island and create a life. I remember playing and being obsessed with Animal Crossing when it was on the Wii. I would sit for hours in my basement when I was 9 or even younger, playing on the Wii and on my Nintendo DS. When I found out they were releasing one for the Nintendo Switch I was so excited! Some things to do on Animal Crossing: New Horizons are fish, catch bugs, find fossils, build your house, build different pieces of furniture for your island, hang out with friends and the list goes on and on. You can donate fish, bugs, and fossils you find to the museum and any duplicates you have can be sold for bells (money). You can use bells to expand your home, build bridges across your island, buy clothes, or new pieces of furniture that you can't build. Animal Crossing is based on real-time so certain bugs and fish only appear certai

Bored In Quarantine?

Everybody can agree that being stuck in quarantine has been extremely boring. There are only so many times you can check Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and all of the other social media outlets that are constantly talking about COVID 24/7. I found an article that talks about some things to do to keep you busy! Starting a new Netflix show is a great way to pass the time. I've watched All American, Outerbanks, and a bunch of movies and comedy specials. Another way to stay occupied is to play games with your family and the people you are quarantining with. Playing UNO, cards, monopoly, drinking games (if everybody is over 21 of course!) and Nintendo switch games are good to play with the family. I bought the new Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the switch which has been great at keeping me occupied. DIY projects are a good way to be creative and create something new. My cousin and I have been painting a ping-pong table with different logos of things we enjoy and its been really fun!

Covid 19 & Social Media

People are going crazy during the quarantine just sitting in their house looking at the same walls every day. The use of social media has increased dramatically since the start of the COVID-19 virus outbreak. Many people have been using different social media platforms to express how they feel about the virus, how the country or their state is handling it, how they feel about the President during this time and to talk about how bored they are. The downside to social media during the outbreak is that false information gets spread extremely quickly and a lot of people believe everything they read on the internet or what their friends post. We get information right at our fingertips in a matter of seconds which is nice to always know what's happening. However, people are more likely to panic when they are seeing people buy out the stores and post how scared they are. When the outbreak first happened, people were buying out all of the toilet paper and hand sanitizer in the stores which

Marketplace of Ideas

John Milton's Areopagitica  written in 1644 is one of the most influential pieces of the right to freedom of speech and expression. The marketplace of ideas was intended to justify freedom of speech with the outcome leading to the truth. Rational citizens will believe ideas that are true and reject those that are false.  Milton wrote, in Areopagitca: “Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions: for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making.” The Supreme Court took what Milton said to mean the marketplace protects the discovery of absolute truth. The Supreme Court uses the marketplace if ideas theory to show that people are rational and should have the capability to know what is true and what is false. The issue with this is that the truth today is not how it was back when the marketplace of ideas was first introduced. Today we have social media, different internet platforms, and various news broadcasts that jus


When I first hear the word "propaganda" it instantly takes me back to my middle school history class. Propaganda has been used since the 19th century. The term "propaganda" is when information is used to promote or influence an audience to further an agenda. Propaganda is primarily used in advertisements and with political parties. This was especially popular during wartimes. A popular piece of propaganda was Rosie the Riveter during the World War 2 era. Rosie the Riveter was an iconic symbol for women who worked in the factories while the men were fighting the war.  Bad propaganda spews negativity and creates ill-will towards others. For example, the Nazis used propaganda to promote their negative thoughts and views on the Jews. The United States used propaganda during the War in Iraq. The U.S dropped radio broadcasts and leaflets all over Iraq placing blame on Saddam for the torturing and suffering of the people of Iraq.

My Online Presence

I use a wide range of social media sites. Currently, I have accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Tiktok. I post more on Instagram and Snapchat because those are the main sites I go on consistently. I really only use Facebook for my sorority because of our executive council posts updates about events and schedules on there. I post a little bit on Tiktok but I mainly just watch videos of my friends and celebrities on it. My Instagram is filled with pictures of myself, my family, and friends. I also post a lot about when I had cancer to bring awareness to Leukemia and to show other patients that they can beat it just like I did! I never made my cancer "private" because while I was going through my treatments, there was a Facebook account made with over 1,000 members in it for people to send their love and for my family to give updates about my health and progress. I would constantly talk about the ugly side of having cancer that not many people know about. People who h