Facebook is Removing Trump Ads

CNN has announced that Facebook will start removing and censoring certain ads from President Trump's re-election campaign. People are upset with Facebook for allowing President Trump's ad's to run because they believe it is causing confusion around the official U.S. Census. The U.S. Census is used to count every single person in the United States and how many of each people live in each state. The Census is used to determine how many seats are needed in the House of Representatives in each state. Facebook is being slammed by the Democratic party for not fact-checking the ads and claims that Facebook is letting the ads run because it benefits President Trump. Some of the ads read; "This survey is ESSENTIAL to our team's 2020 campaign strategy. We need Patriotic Americans like YOU to respond to this census, so we can develop a winning strategy for YOUR STATE,". The survey that was sent out asking about people's opinions on President Trump and their feelings towards Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi commented expressing her anger towards Facebook for allowing the ads and said that they were confusing the public with its "lies". The U.S. Census is scheduled to be sent out later this month and President Trump's campaign has yet to comment on the matter. 


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