The Controversial Topic of Social Media

With social media becoming more and more prevalent, the issue of people posting their thoughts and opinions and it is becoming more and more popular. For example, one person can tweet their opinion. Whether it be about politics or sports, or anything. If someone sees the tweet and disagrees with it, oftentimes they will tweet back or respond to the tweet with their own opinion which can trigger an intense back and forth battle.

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is now retired made a statement saying that "social media is among the "most important places...for the exchange of views". What he means by this, is that people are far more likely to share their opinions now via social media than any other platform. 

The Packingham vs North Carolina case in 2017 was a prime example of how social media and the internet are the "biggest battlegrounds for free expression both nationally and globally". 
The government has already tried to censor the freedoms people have when people are expressing their thoughts through the internet, mainly doing this by monitoring and censoring.


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