Whats Covered by the First Amendment and What Isn't

The first amendment was passed in 1791. It states that US citizens have freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of religion. The first amendment also "protects the right to peaceful protest and to petition the government. It was passed when President George Washington was first put in office, during his first two years. 

While the first amendment 
provides a great deal of protection to us, there are a few exceptions in which we are not protected by the first amendment. Just a few of them include but are not limited to child pornography, obscenity, true threats, and fraud. When using your right to freedom of speech, press, and religion "applies only to restrictions imposed by the government". 

Today, people utilize their rights given to them by the first amendment through social media, during protests, and face-to-face in person.

Over the past many years, there have been several controversial scenarios dealing with the first amendment rights not being practiced. One notable one was when Trump tried to prevent the Washington Post from publishing an article. This ultimately did not work for Trump because the news outlet has the right to free speech and was not breaking the terms of the first amendment.



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